
My Graduation Speech

Hello parents, families, teachers, staff, fellow classmates, and future graduates of Golf Middle School. Today is the day of endings and beginnings. The ending of our life at middle school. The ending of being a kid. The ending of not having to think about the future. The ending of living in a small world. But, as Senator Orrin Hatch said, “Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” I believe today is the beginning of a newfound freedom for all of us. The beginning of seeing the world with a bigger viewpoint. The beginning of our moms realizing that in a few years, they won't have to do our laundry anymore. The beginning of new friends, and adventures. Of exploring new places. Of learning about what life really is. Each of us didn't get here alone. We stuck together so that we could stand here today. No matter all the hard work, the deadlines, and drama. We persevered and got through it all. I want to thank all my teachers who helped my classmates and I reach this poin...

Endings and Beginnings

           As the end of the school year nears, I have created some goals that I want to achieve before it's over. One goal that I want to achieve is getting the best grades that I can possibly get. To me, grades are very important even though sometimes it doesn't matter what grades you get, but I still like to get the highest grades possible. Ways that I can do this is by working hard during class and on my homework. Another way I can do this is by doing extra credit. Some of my classes give extra credit, and I always do them. Another goal I have is to do well on my finals. I am going to study very hard, but not too hard that I'll have a mental breakdown. My goals for the end of the school year are getting the best grades, and doing well on my finals.             Also, I have goals for summer break as well. During winter break and spring break, I sometimes feel like I didn't make the most of my time, so one goal of mine durin...

A Poem

I was just staring at my bookshelf and this is what I put together: The Beginning of Everything Catching Fire Unwind The Diabolic We were making this type of poem in class, so I wanted to make one with my own books.

Margie Oppenheimer: A Holocaust Survivor

  Margie Oppenheimer is a Holocaust survivor who has an interesting story about the three camps that she was sent to. First, she went to Riga Ghetto where she had to shovel snow. Though it seems like hard work, she said that it wasn't so hard, and she continued working hard so that she could survive. Not too long after she was sent to work at a rubber factory at Stutthof Concentration Camp. Some people think that everyone who watched over prisoners were bad because they were being cruel to their prisoners, but Margie’s boss at the factory wasn't like those stereotypes. He let his employees take pictures of themselves, and cook in his kitchen using his food. He had helped Margie and many others survive too. During a selection at this camp, Margie was chosen to die, but she didn't die thanks to her trusty friends Fanny and Rosaly. They pulled her under the fence and brought her to another barrack. Many things and people helped Margie survive through the Hol...

I ❤ Cake

This is not the cake my dad and I made. Something that I won't be able to live without is cake, chocolate cake to be more specific. What makes cake taste even better is when you make it yourself. My dad and I always make cake when it is my brother's or my birthday. Since my family doesn't eat eggs, we have to make cake without eggs, but even so, it stills taste awesome. Recently, my dad and I decided to start making cake more often because otherwise, we really only make cake two or three times a year, and that just doesn't seem right to me. So, we started making more cake. Not only do I like eating cake, but I like making it too. It fun to mix up all the ingredients , and see how a bunch of separate ingredients can turn into something so delicious. One of my favorite parts of the cake I make is the whipping cream. I hate frosting because it is so sugary, so I make whipping cream instead. I love how as you mix the whipping cream, it...

A Test: Birds

1. How can you tell the difference between a male northern cardinal and female northern cardinal?               A. The females cannot fly               B. The females have gray feathers with a few red ones               C. The males have gray feathers with a few red ones               D. The males cannot fly 2. Which of the following is not a species of bird?               A. Kiwi               B. Kingfisher               C. Axolotl                D. Puffin 3. What is a group of owls called?              A. Parliament              B. Flock              C. Colony   ...

Choose Love

“You must choose love. Always choose love.”                                  -From Daniel's Story by Carol Matas          This quote is something that many people live by. Daniel's Story takes place during the Holocaust, and is about a Jewish boy named Daniel who had to live through the Holocaust. In order to survive, he had to choose love, and not give up. In many books, characters often believe in valuing love over everything else.          What does "choosing love" mean? There are many things that can be interpreted from this statement. It may not mean love as in girlfriend and boyfriend love, but sometimes it is. It may mean friendship, or family love. When given the option of death or living like during the Holocaust, so...