Of all the characters in The Outsiders , I think that the one who I can connect to the most is Ponyboy. Ponyboy and I have some things in common. We both like to read, and go to school. He also likes to spend time alone, like at the movies, or reading a book. I enjoy spending time quietly doing my own things, like reading. I prefer to hang out in a quiet environment like my room, and I am usually in a better mood. Ponyboy seems to get lost in his thoughts when he is alone. At the beginning of the book, Ponyboy was walking home alone when some Socs attacked him. When his friends saved him, Darry said that Ponyboy never thinks. Most likely it’s just that Ponyboy is getting lost in his own thoughts and is not paying attention when he is alone. It doesn’t happen to me a lot when I am outside, but sometimes when I am inside, and have nothing to do, I might block out everything else, and think about random things. Ponyboy and I both get lost in our own thoughts, and we both like staying i...
Margie Oppenheimer is a Holocaust survivor who has an interesting story about the three camps that she was sent to. First, she went to Riga Ghetto where she had to shovel snow. Though it seems like hard work, she said that it wasn't so hard, and she continued working hard so that she could survive. Not too long after she was sent to work at a rubber factory at Stutthof Concentration Camp. Some people think that everyone who watched over prisoners were bad because they were being cruel to their prisoners, but Margie’s boss at the factory wasn't like those stereotypes. He let his employees take pictures of themselves, and cook in his kitchen using his food. He had helped Margie and many others survive too. During a selection at this camp, Margie was chosen to die, but she didn't die thanks to her trusty friends Fanny and Rosaly. They pulled her under the fence and brought her to another barrack. Many things and people helped Margie survive through the Hol...
The quote “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.” tells us the truth of getting something done. You can’t just think of something awesome, and then lay back and dream about it. To get anything to be done, you have to get up and do the work yourself. Be determined to fulfill your dream. Don’t look at it for 5 seconds and then abandon ship because it looks too hard or may take a long time. Everything is hard in someway and if you can make it through that, then you can do something that not everyone can do. People might hide from things because they are afraid of trying to do something new or challenging. Being confident and having a lot of perseverance is what makes up role models and good people. Even now, people look up to you, most likely your little siblings, friends or students in lower grade levels, and they might want to be like you. Having a lot of perseverance leads to many good things in life, like being able to get things done and getting a ...
Nice Job :)