About Me

Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm Dhara and I love reading. My favorite color is purple. My favorite animals are birds. I love the outside and nature. I like to draw and read in my free time. You can find more information on the books I read on the Books page. I also like to bike in the forest and hang out at the park. I can also play the violin and I like listening to music. I don't have a favorite singer or song, but I usually listen to songs that are popular at the time and some songs that I have enjoyed in the past. I am interested in mythology of all sorts, some of which are Greek, Egyptian, and Norse. Mythology has hundreds of different stories within it, some actually true and other are not know whether they are true or not. I think it is interesting to know other people believe. Some are very detailed while others are vague and you have to think about what happened. Some stories of mythology have different versions of itself and it is fun to hear the different versions of the same story because you can compare to see what is the same and what is not. So basically, I really like reading mythology. I not exactly sure what I am going to post on this blog, most likely it will have something to do with books and reading.


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