Margie Oppenheimer: A Holocaust Survivor

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  Margie Oppenheimer is a Holocaust survivor who has an interesting story about the three camps that she was sent to. First, she went to Riga Ghetto where she had to shovel snow. Though it seems like hard work, she said that it wasn't so hard, and she continued working hard so that she could survive. Not too long after she was sent to work at a rubber factory at Stutthof Concentration Camp. Some people think that everyone who watched over prisoners were bad because they were being cruel to their prisoners, but Margie’s boss at the factory wasn't like those stereotypes. He let his employees take pictures of themselves, and cook in his kitchen using his food. He had helped Margie and many others survive too. During a selection at this camp, Margie was chosen to die, but she didn't die thanks to her trusty friends Fanny and Rosaly. They pulled her under the fence and brought her to another barrack. Many things and people helped Margie survive through the Holocaust. As I researched about her, I realized that there are some things people can learn from her experience.

"I will be strong. I want to live."
-Margie Oppenheimer

I think that this quote represent Margie strong will, and perseverance because she never gave up during the Holocaust, even if she was just a young girl without her parents. Her perseverance is very inspiring, but not only that, she’s very caring too. She helped out at the infirmary of the Sophienwalde Camp. This camp was not a labor camp, it was just a camp where the prisoners just sat around and did nothing. Even though Margie had a chance to rest after working hard at other camps, she still stepped up to help others. In the end, Margie survived due to her strong will. I think that her life lesson is that when life gets tough, keep yourself together and push through. I thinks that’s something everyone should do, if they don’t already do it. Margie Oppenheimer is a very inspiring girl, who was able to survive the Holocaust because of her strong will.


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