My Graduation Speech

Hello parents, families, teachers, staff, fellow classmates, and future graduates of Golf Middle School. Today is the day of endings and beginnings. The ending of our life at middle school. The ending of being a kid. The ending of not having to think about the future. The ending of living in a small world. But, as Senator Orrin Hatch said, “Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” I believe today is the beginning of a newfound freedom for all of us. The beginning of seeing the world with a bigger viewpoint. The beginning of our moms realizing that in a few years, they won't have to do our laundry anymore. The beginning of new friends, and adventures. Of exploring new places. Of learning about what life really is.
Each of us didn't get here alone. We stuck together so that we could stand here today. No matter all the hard work, the deadlines, and drama. We persevered and got through it all. I want to thank all my teachers who helped my classmates and I reach this point and made almost every single day of middle school a blast. Here is the poem that I wrote for my teachers:
I came to this place,
Unsure that I had what it takes
A lone cardinal I was
Until my teachers came along ‘cause
You were always there
So nice it’s kind of rare
You guys helped me from the start
So you’ll forever be in my heart

Even though we had gotten this far, this is only the beginning of our journey. More stress will be served to us in the form of research papers, presentations, and job interviews and there is no way around them. We must all persevere everyday, so that we can be the best that we can be. As Winston S. Churchill said, “Never, never, never give in!” When you think you will die from all the homework or exams, don’t give up. I may not even need to say this since we have gotten this far. Also, to future graduates of middle school, I hope you all follow through like us, but also make the most of your time at middle school as well. I felt that from 6th grade to 8th grade, time flew by really fast. I didn’t think that I would be graduating so soon and wish that I had more time at middle school. If I could, I would go back in time and do more during middle school, and also experience all the fun things that we did in school again. However, at the current moment that is not possible, so make the most of your youth.
In the end, there is only one way to go, not back, not around, only forward and plow through anything in our way. Never give up, for tomorrow is our new beginning and it should not end so soon! Thank you for listening.


  1. Your speech really inspired my day and it is making me think a lot more deeply about things. :)


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