Endings and Beginnings

           As the end of the school year nears, I have created some goals that I want to achieve before it's over. One goal that I want to achieve is getting the best grades that I can possibly get. To me, grades are very important even though sometimes it doesn't matter what grades you get, but I still like to get the highest grades possible. Ways that I can do this is by working hard during class and on my homework. Another way I can do this is by doing extra credit. Some of my classes give extra credit, and I always do them. Another goal I have is to do well on my finals. I am going to study very hard, but not too hard that I'll have a mental breakdown. My goals for the end of the school year are getting the best grades, and doing well on my finals.
            Also, I have goals for summer break as well. During winter break and spring break, I sometimes feel like I didn't make the most of my time, so one goal of mine during summer breaks is to record everything I do during summer break. If I write everything down, then when summer break is over, I am going to look over everything I wrote and decide if I made the most of my summer break. I hope to learn more time management skills, so that I can always make the most of my time at any time. Another goal for myself is to prepare for high school. I am taking 1 AP class and 4 honors classes, and I will probably have a lot of homework every single day. So, I want to prepare myself for high school by studying everything I've learned so far so that I remember it for when school starts again. My final goal for summer break is to write a story. I like writing fiction stories and have a lot of idea, but I just can't ever finish writing one because I may have a lot of homework to do and I end up forgetting about what I was writing. Then I lose interest in writing that story. I think this is actually true for me because when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade, I wrote a lot of stories because I didn't get that much homework, so I had more time to focus on the stories. Since I won't get any homework during summer break, I am going to write a story. My goals for summer break are to write down everything I do, preparing for high school, and write a story.
          Even with the end of middle school approaching, I look forward to the new beginnings at high school and beyond.


  1. Thanks for the inspiration, I think that I’m going to start setting goals for myself today.


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