I ❤ Cake

This is not the cake my dad and I made.
Something that I won't be able to live without is cake, chocolate cake to be more specific. What makes cake taste even better is when you make it yourself. My dad and I always make cake when it is my brother's or my birthday. Since my family doesn't eat eggs, we have to make cake without eggs, but even so, it stills taste awesome.
Recently, my dad and I decided to start making cake more often because otherwise, we really only make cake two or three times a year, and that just doesn't seem right to me. So, we started making more cake. Not only do I like eating cake, but I like making it too. It fun to mix up all the ingredients, and see how a bunch of separate ingredients can turn into something so delicious.
One of my favorite parts of the cake I make is the whipping cream. I hate frosting because it is so sugary, so I make whipping cream instead. I love how as you mix the whipping cream, it gets thicker and thicker until you can make mountains out of it. I also like to eat the remaining whipping cream after I finish putting it on the cake. When I put it on the cake, it not perfect, but I don't care about the appearance of cake, but only how it tastes, like how you should never judge someone by their looks, but by their personality.
Finally, the most satisfying part of the cake is, of course, eating eat! I am always so happy when I eat my cake because I made it myself. I always think to myself as I eat that it was all worth it. I took my time to make something delicious, and even after all the spills or mess ups, it always turns out awesome.


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