The Outsiders: Ponyboy

Of all the characters in The Outsiders, I think that the one who I can connect to the most is Ponyboy.
Ponyboy and I have some things in common. We both like to read, and go to school. He also likes to spend time alone, like at the movies, or reading a book. I enjoy spending time quietly doing my own things, like reading. I prefer to hang out in a quiet environment like my room, and I am usually in a better mood. Ponyboy seems to get lost in his thoughts when he is alone. At the beginning of the book, Ponyboy was walking home alone when some Socs attacked him. When his friends saved him, Darry said that Ponyboy never thinks. Most likely it’s just that Ponyboy is getting lost in his own thoughts and is not paying attention when he is alone. It doesn’t happen to me a lot when I am outside, but sometimes when I am inside, and have nothing to do, I might block out everything else, and think about random things. Ponyboy and I both get lost in our own thoughts, and we both like staying in quiet environments.
Before the rumble in chapter 9, Ponyboy asked everyone why they liked to fight. He is a curious boy and wants to know what other people think. I like to learn everything I can, mainly interesting facts that people don’t think about. Asking people why they like to fight, is probably not something people think about everyday, so both Ponyboy and I like to know things that are not things that people wonder about.
As Ponyboy does, I love my family. When Ponyboy ran away, he really missed his family. If I was separated from my family like he was, I would be really sad, and lonely. I also stick with my friends in tough situations, like how they all stood and fought together during the rumble. Except, not in some situation like that since we don’t fight. It says on page 140 of the book, “Our gang never went in for weapons. We’re just not that rough. The only weapons we ever used were knives, and shoot, we carried them mostly just for looks. Like Two-Bit with his black-handled switch. None of us had ever really hurt anyone, or wanted to.” So, Ponyboy and the gang probably don’t really want to fight for real. “Real” as in killing and seriously hurting people. I don’t like to fight either. I would never hurt anyone. Both Ponyboy and I care for our families, and don’t want to cause harm.
The ways that I connect with Ponyboy are that we both enjoy the quiet, we are both curious, and we don’t want to hurt people.


  1. I really liked how you added your own thoughts and feelings together to connect to Ponyboy’s thoughts and feelings.

  2. I love how complete your posts are, Dhara. I appreciate how you make them detailed and engaging.


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