A Great Fantasy Series: The Grisha Trilogy

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Currently, I am reading the book Siege and Storm. It is the second book of The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. The books in this series are Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising.I recommend this series to anyone who loves fantasy with romance in it. Anyone who wants to read this series might get a little confused with what is happening, so I will explain the basics of the world and the beginning plot in this post, hoping that it will help readers of this series.
This series mainly takes place in Ravka, a country in this fantasy world. There are nations called Shu Han, and Fjerda that are next to Ravka, and multiple places farther out from Ravka, and across the sea. At the borders, there is always fighting going on. None of the story has taken place in Shu Han or Fjerda yet, so I don't know much about them.
As for the magic part to this world, it's not really considered magic by the people of this world. They call it the Small Science. Magic in this world is something else that is explained in the second book, Siege and Storm. People who wield the Small Science powers are called Grisha, and are apart of the Second Army. Not everyone are Grisha in this world, they are either born with Grisha powers or aren't. Grisha are put into different categories depending on their type of power: Corporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki. These groups are divided into 2 or 3 groups each which Grisha are in based on their what power they use. In the Corporalki group, there are heartrenders, and healers. Healers, obviously, have powers that heal people. Heartrenders are Grisha who can control people hearts and stop them in an instant. Materialki are Grisha who can bend material very easily, and they are divided into Alchemi and Durasts. The first book don't go very in depth with their powers. Etherealik are Grishas who can summon elements, and it is divided into Infernis, Squallers, and Tidemakers, Infernis can summon elements that can catch on fire, Squallers can summon wind, and Tidemakers can summon water.
However, there is another type of summoner called the Sun Summoner, a Grisha who can summon light. The main character of this series, Alina Starkov, is the Sun Summoner. She is the only one in this world that can summon light, and she is very powerful. At the beginning of Shadow and Bone, Alina is a mapmaker, and is apart of the army. The army was going to cross a place called the Fold or the Unsea. This place is called by both names. The Fold is a place of complete darkness that split Ravka into two separate pieces. It was created a long time ago by the someone called the Black Heretic. During Alina's time, a person called the Darkling is the descendant of the Black Heretic, and is working to destroy the Fold and get rid of it forever.
  So, when the army enters the fold, they are attacked by these winged monsters, and when Alina and her best friend, Mal, gets attacked, she unleashes this very powerful light. She had the powers of a Sun Summoner, but she didn't know she had these powers until that moment. The monsters disappeared after Alina's power awakened and the army retreats out of the fold because they were confused, and didn't know what that power was. Alina meets the Darkling, and then she was sent to Os Alta, the capital of Ravka, so that she could train her powers. The Darkling believes that Alina's powers can destroy the Fold forever.
  So, as the story goes by, the Darkling and Alina decide to find a powerful creature that would amplify Alina' s powers. However, a very big plot twist happens, and the story get really good, and a little suspenseful. There is a lot of romance in this story, and it goes perfectly with the fantasy aspect of the plot. This book gets really good, and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. A lot of things happen in this book, so it is sometimes hard to keep up with the reading since it can be confusing. I hope this blog post will help you understand the story a little better, and I hope you will read the book!


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