A Story: Part One

Hi, I got a idea for a story that I can write, so I am going to post little parts of it once in a while. If you like the story, then I can post it more often. I don’t have a title for it yet (but when I do, I will change the post title).

The moment Evan heard the clopping of horses’ hooves on the cracked stone pavement, he jumped up from his worn down plush chair. Who could it be at this time? he thought. Soft, orange light of the summer’s sun poured in from the crack between the old, cream colored curtains. Everyone should be sitting down at their tables eating dinner. Evan was getting a strange vibe from his visitors. Surely enough, when he peeked through the curtains, he definitely saw some strange visitors. Two of them, both dressed in royal officer coats, but those were just for show.  However, what kind of show were they bringing to his home?
They were tending to their horses at the end of the path. About 25 or 30 seconds before they get to the door, he calculated. It was just enough time for him to poke his head into the small kitchen and say, “Rina, we have some visitors.” A small girl turned away from her cooking, and looked at him. “Royal officers. Go hide under the table.” Rina hesitated for a moment, but then ducked under the small table. She gestured him to go to the door.
“Please be careful,” she said quietly.
“I’ll be fine,” he replied. What exactly do they want? Evan’s number one rule was not to mess with the government. He stays out of their way, and never accepts any jobs that have anything to do with them. He walks up to the door, and a second later he hears a subtle knocking at the door. He opened the door, and said, “Hello, gentlemen. How may I help you?”
The two of them were most likely brothers. They both had short, dark hair. One of them is slightly shorter than the other, and is probably younger. The assumed older one cleared his throat, and said, “Are you Mr. Evan?”
“Yes, is there a problem?”
“You have been summoned by his majesty.” Evan was barely able to hide his surprise. What does he want? he thought. The younger one reaches into his coat and pulls out a slip of paper. “Here are the details.” He handed it to Evan, who immediately opens it. The content within was very vague.

Mr. Evan,
You have been summoned to the royal palace by his majesty. Please be ready tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. A carriage shall take you to the royal palace.
-Sir Kendric, Royal Secretary

“So, what does the king want with me?” Evan coolly asked the officers.
“Uhhh, we don’t know,” said the older officer.
“Are you sure?” Evan asked.
“Well, we’re not even supposed to know, so yeah.” said the younger officer. These two were terrible liars. It was written all over their face that they knew.
“Okay, so, we’ll just be going now…” the older officer said. They turned away, and started to walk away. Very suspicious… Evan thought.
“Hold it!” Evan snapped. The two officers froze in place, and then slowly turned around. Evan’s keen, purple eyes looked at them both carefully. They were shaking from head to toe. They knew something.
“Come on, you two are the worst liars I have ever seen.” he declared. “Just tell me everything you know. NOW.”
“We don’t know anything!” said the younger officer.
“Don’t make me use force…” Evan threatened.
“W-we d-don’t know,” said the older one. With that, they turned around and speed walked toward their horses. When they were a few feet away from their horses, they suddenly couldn’t move at all. Against their will, they were forced to turn back towards Evan, and they floated back towards the door. Standing there, Evan had one of his hands raised in a fist, and the other gesturing them back. The officers really looked terrified now.
“P-p-please, just let go of your wind magic.” said the younger one.
“Just tell me what I want to know,” Evan said calmly. He clenched his hand more tightly. The air around the liars closed tighter. Come on, one of them has to give in. Evan thought.
“Let’s just tell him.” the younger one said in a small voice. He grunted from the pain.
“Fine, we’ll tell you.” said the older one. Evan released his grip on the older one a little bit, so he could speak. “When we were passing by the throne room, we heard the king talking to his secretary. Apparently, Princess Ebony disappeared 2 days ago. He’s using his shadow magic to look for her. He thinks that she is still in the Noble Court, and he put out a reward for even spotting her. A lot of money, even for a noble. Then, Kendric suggested that you should be hired since you’re apparently good at magic. That’s all we heard! We had to leave before we got caught!” At that, Evan released his hold on the two officers.
“Oh…?” he said as he was processing everything he had learned. Things are about to get very interesting.


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