A Movie Review: The Outsiders (Spoiler Alert!)

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is one of my favorite books that I have ever read. I also enjoyed the movie very much, but just like with other movies based on novels, I wasn't fully satisfied with it. The movie has a run time of 1 hour and 31 minutes, which I think is okay. A common thing I see between books, and movies based on books is that there is always something missing. That is what makes the movies, based on books, I watch just being a shy bit away from making me fully happy. The first thing I feel is missing is at the beginning. In the book, Ponyboy introduces the gang: Sodapop, Darry, Dally, Steve, Two-bit, and Johnny. However, in the movie, they were not introduced at all, so we didn't really know much about any of them. People who have read the book might understood the characters without them having to be introduced, but not everyone would have read the book, or remembered while watching the movie. For me, it wasn't much of an issue, having I just read the book for school. Though, the lack of introduction kind of made the characters less significant than they were in the book. Another point that was missing was from the time when Ponyboy was sick. There was nearly nothing about in the movie, while it did play a significant role in the Curtis boys relationship in the book. Ponyboy was worried that he didn’t call for Darry when he was sick, and the brothers were really worried about Ponyboy in the book. I felt disappointed when they didn't include this scenes, and the movie made it look like Ponyboy being sick wasn't a big deal at all. The final part that I thought was missing was the trial. There was a trial in the movie, but I thought it was a bit short, and a little bit more detail could have been added to it. There was a moment when Cherry was talking, but the trial was really short. In the book, Ponyboy has a lot of things going around in his head during the trial like how it wasn’t Johnny who killed Bob, and he did it. That showed his grief for when Johnny died, and how much it affected him. This also ties in with the characters not being shown as significant, and didn't put as much feeling into the deaths of Johnny and Dally. The part of the movie that let me down was how somethings didn’t make it into the movie.
Even though it seems like I wrote a lot about what the movie was missing, there were parts that I really enjoyed, and always look forward to in movies based on books. The fight of in the park, Ponyboy and Johnny vs. Bob and the Socs, was one of the parts that I enjoyed the most, since there was a fight, and it shows also what was going on with Johnny. Since in the books Ponyboy is narrating and was also being drowned, so he didn't see or narrate about was Johnny was doing. So, the park fight was very good for the readers of the book since they get to know more about the fight unlike in the book. Another part that I enjoyed was the rumble. It brings to life what was happening in the rumble, since it is kind of hard to picture a fight with so many things happening at once in your mind. Overall, I think The Outsiders movie got a 8.5/10 stars. It could have had a little more detail in it, but it did make up by making some of the best parts come to life. The movie was great and almost just as good as the book.


  1. I really liked you review because I think you gave out all of your opinions which is good to say. I also really liked the Outsiders book and the movie. :)


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