Childhood Shows I Watched: Cyberchase and Curious George

        A show that I have watched when I was younger was a show called Cyberchase. It was about these kids who go into the cyberspace and protect the Motherboard from the Hacker by solving math problems. I used to watch all the time after school. One of the math problems that I remembered from it had something to do with the powers of 2 and exponents. I was probably in second or third grade when I watched that episode, but is it one of the very few episodes remember. Since I was young at the time, I probably didn't understand the math fully but I think it helped me learn math better. When I was younger in school, I learned the math pretty fast and didn't have that much trouble with the homework. I think that Cyberchase helped me understand math better so that I learned it faster when we learned it in school. The show Cyberchase connects to me through math and learning. 
          Another show I used to watch all the time is Curious George. It was about this monkey, named George, who lived in the city who goes on adventures. One episode I remember is when George went to the museum, and saw dinosaurs made of fossils. He climbed up one of the dinosaurs, since he was a monkey he could climb well. The Man With The Yellow Hat and the scientist who worked there told him to get back down and then he lost his balance and fell off and broke his arm. The life lesson in that episode was to not play around places that could really hurt you. So I was always careful when playing and wasn't messing around with things I shouldn't be touching. In Curious George, I learned to not to play around dangerous places.
         In Cyberchase, I was able to learn more math and understand it better. In Curious George, I learned to be careful. Both of these shows helped me mature and I learned important skills and life rules from these shows and they helped me in life.


  1. Wow, that’s so weird because I used to watch those shows when I was little too. :)

  2. OMG, Curious George was one of my favorite childhood shows too.


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