
Showing posts from September, 2017

Childhood Shows I Watched: Cyberchase and Curious George

        A show that I have watched when I was younger was a show called Cyberchase. It was about these kids who go into the cyberspace and protect the Motherboard from the Hacker by solving math problems. I used to watch all the time after school.  One of the math problems that I remembered from it had something to do with the powers of 2 and exponents. I was probably in second or third grade when I watched that episode, but is it one of the very few episodes remember. Since I was young at the time, I probably didn't understand the math fully but I think it helped me learn math better. When I was younger in school, I learned the math pretty fast and didn't have that much trouble with the homework. I think that Cyberchase helped me understand math better so that I learned it faster when we learned it in school. The show Cyberchase connects to me through math and learning.            Another show I used to watch all the time is Curious George. It was about this monkey, named G

My Passion: Learning

         I love reading books, and articles, and watching videos about interesting topics that are not something you think about everyday or learn about in school. In school, we learn about topics in curriculum, so we don't learn everything about there is in the world. I like knowing those facts that are weird/cool, but we never learn about. Picture I made comparing what we learn in school to everything to learn:                              Some channels on YouTube I watch are RealLifeLore, and Life Noggin. There are a bunch of other channels I also watch, but those are my favorites. I learn a lot of interesting things on these channels on topics of science, geography and more.         I read an interesting article on how the world was going to end on Saturday, September 23 (Obviously it didn't if you are reading this) and how people have been predicting the end of the world for a long time. This is something that really intrigues me and I enjoy researching more a

Quotes That Are Important To Me

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, " said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one."                 -George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons The reason I keep on reading more and more books is for the story of one's or many people's lives. In books I can find people who are not like the everyday people around me, some experience adventure and romance, and other can experience loss and the feeling of loneliness, as well as people who have big changes in their lives. With reading I can, at anytime, jump into the shoes of someone else and see what other people's lives are like. This quote allows me to be able to make anything  I want to make. I like to think and sometimes write about fantasy worlds. As I imagine it, I can see it in my mind and it is as if it was real. If I feel like I am tired or bored of this world than I can go back into the world I create in my mind and hang out there (Not literally but mentally), an


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