
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Outsiders: Ponyboy

Of all the characters in The Outsiders , I think that the one who I can connect to the most is Ponyboy. Ponyboy and I have some things in common. We both like to read, and go to school. He also likes to spend time alone, like at the movies, or reading a book. I enjoy spending time quietly doing my own things, like reading. I prefer to hang out in a quiet environment like my room, and I am usually in a better mood. Ponyboy seems to get lost in his thoughts when he is alone. At the beginning of the book, Ponyboy was walking home alone when some Socs attacked him. When his friends saved him, Darry said that Ponyboy never thinks. Most likely it’s just that Ponyboy is getting lost in his own thoughts and is not paying attention when he is alone. It doesn’t happen to me a lot when I am outside, but sometimes when I am inside, and have nothing to do, I might block out everything else, and think about random things. Ponyboy and I both get lost in our own thoughts, and we both like staying i

Something Interesting: Antimatter

          Not too long ago, I was watching a video on YouTube. It was about something called antimatter. Some people know about antimatter, but some people don't. For the people who don't know, an antimatter atom is the opposite of a normal atom. A normal atom has a positive nucleus, and negative electrons. Since antimatter is the opposite of a normal atom, it basically has a negatively charged nucleus and a positively charged electrons.           The weird/cool thing is that just one gram of antimatter is very expensive. You might think that very expensive for one gram is like 1 million dollars. But, it's actually $25 BILLION. In the video I was watching, it said that antimatter is very useful, but is also hard to contain. If an antimatter atom comes into contact with a normal atom, so much energy is released that it could blow up and destroy the surrounding area. Something that I don't understand from the video is how the scientist contained the antimatter, since eve

Me: 10 Years Later

       I'm not sure who I am going to be in 10 year exactly, but I do have some ideas. I love reading and hanging out at the library, so most likely I would become a librarian. Another career I might choose is being an fiction author. I like to make stories, and I like writing. I am going to go through all the years of college. I want to go to Northwestern (as a 1st choice), or UIC (2nd choice). I most likely would get a degree in library science or English. I will probably live in Illinois since I grew up here, and know it very well.         Some obstacles for me are passing test, getting into college, and working hard. In order to get into the colleges that I want to go to I have to study hard in high school and keep up my grades. I also don't want to get lazy and not practice the skills that I need for when I leave my parents and get my own home. Some of those skills are like keeping your home clean by washing the dishes and cooking. I am going to try my best to achieve my

My Identity

            My name is Dhara. I am a girl. I am a daughter to my parents and sister to my brother. I am a cousin to many people and a niece to a lot of people as well. I am an 8th grade student and technically a freshman in math. I am Indian American. My grandparents were from India. I am a book lover. I have read so many books and I cannot stop reading. Some books I have enjoyed are "The Mortal Instruments", "Harry Potter", "Maximum Ride", and "The Trials of Apollo". Some author I like are Rick Riordan, J.K. Rowling, Erin Hunter, and James Patterson.   I can play the violin and I can play many songs. Some songs I have played is "Dragon Slayer", and "Gauntlet". A hobby of mine is playing outside and riding my bike. I love animals, but I don't have a pet. I have held a snake and a turtle before. I also love nature. My favorite mythical creature is a dragon. I like many different types of animals so I don't have a